Policies for Modernites


The safety policy is established to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff during school hours and activities. It aims to create a safe and secure environment on school premises. This safety policy establishes clear expectations for student’s behavior, outlines consequences for violations, and emphasizes collaboration with parents to address safety concerns and behavioral issues.

  • Promote a safe and respectful environment within the school.
  • Minimize accidents and prevent any behavior that endangers the students and staff.
  • Maintain discipline and order during school hours.
  • Collaborate with parents to address safety concerns and behavioral issues

Expectations for Behavior:

All students are expected to:

  • Exhibit respectful and responsible behavior during school hours, including breaks.
  • Avoid running, pushing, or engaging in any behavior that may cause harm to themselves or others.

School staff including teachers, proctors, floor in charges are assigned to supervise common areas during breaks and school hours. Their responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring students' safety.
  • Monitoring student behavior.
  • Intervening promptly to prevent unsafe incidents.

Behavior During Breaks: Students are expected to:

  • Use breaks to relax, socialize, and engage in constructive activities.
  • Avoid running, chasing, or engaging in rough play.

Procedures for Addressing Behavior: If students are observed engaging in running, pushing, or disruptive behavior, school staff will:

  • Intervene promptly to prevent further incidents and ensure safety.
  • Counsel students on appropriate behavior.


Students who repeatedly engage in running, pushing, or disruptive behavior will face disciplinary consequences, such as oral warnings, written warnings, suspend or other appropriate actions, in accordance with the school's discipline policy.

Parental Involvement: Parents/legal guardians will be informed if their child is involved in repeated instances of running, pushing, or disruptive behavior. The school will contact parents to address the issue and implement corrective measures.

Maintaining Order:School staff will take proactive steps to maintain order during breaks and school hours. These steps include:

  • Redirecting students when necessary.
  • Providing reminders about behavior expectations.
  • Facilitating conflict resolution.


This safety policy will be communicated to all students, parents/legal guardians, and staff members through WhatsApp groups and other communication channels.


The effectiveness of this safety policy will be periodically reviewed to assess it’s impact on maintaining discipline, safety, and a respectful environment during school hours and activities.

Emergency Response Plan:
Already developed and maintaining incident/accident reports in register that outlines procedures to be followed in the event of injuries, or other emergencies during school hours. Ensure that staff and students are familiar with these procedures.


Being a child friendly and conscientious organization, Modernage recognizes its responsibility for child protection. The staff as well as the systems of the whole organization are committed to the welfare of Modernites. We believe that it is the right of all children to be protected from all forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence and all the teachers, administrators and support staff at Modernage are duty bound to take all measures that serve the best interest of children. Safe and secure environment maximizes the achievement levels of children enabling them to reach their full potential.
This policy applies to all the teachers, administrators, other staff members, volunteers and extended service providers working at Modernage. Being in close contact with the children, the teachers and school staff are in a position to recognize the outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour or failure to develop. The school will therefore:

  • Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to.
  • Ensure that the students know there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried.
  • Provide opportunities for children to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse.


There are five major objectives of this policy:

  • Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of teachers and other staff working with children.
  • Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them safe.
  • Developing and then implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse.
  • Supporting pupils who have been abused.
  • Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop.


All staff members of Modernage are committed to follow the following procedures:
Child Protection Policy:

The written Child Protection Policy is an easily accessible document available in all campuses of Modernage. The policy is implemented in letter and spirit.

Staff Training & Awareness:

The school administration ensures that all the staff receive training in child protection.

  • The staff, children and parents are made aware of the school child protection policy. The policy is made common knowledge.
  • The children are made aware of their rights and where to seek help.
  • It is ensured that all staff and volunteers understand their responsibility in being alert to the signs of abuse and referring any concerns to the designated authorities.
  • It is ensured that parents have an understanding of the responsibility placed on the school and staff for child protection by setting out its obligations in the school prospectus.

Child Protection Officers:

Two persons, who have a clear role and responsibilities and are aware of all the procedures and policies and the local law framework are designated as Child Protection Officers in each campus of Modernage. These are:

  • The Discipline In Charge who is the head of the Proctorial Board as well
  • The Vice Principal who is the deputy head of academic and other staff
  • It is ensured that every student, staff member and administrator knows the name and role of the Child Protection Officers responsible for child protection.

Reporting Procedure:

  • All abuse relating incidents are reported to the Child Protection Officers by students, teachers and staff members. The routes for reporting are well publicized.
  • The school officials keep track of uninformed attendance, including that in school events.
  • The Child Protection Officers keep written records of concerns about children, even where there is no need to refer the matter immediately.
  • The Child Protection Officers also ensure all records are kept securely, separate from the student’s personal files, and under lock and key.

Safe Recruitment Practices:

The administrators at Modernage ensure safe recruitment practices are always followed. All new staff are assessed for their suitability to work with children using police and reference checks if possible.

Student Support:
Modernage recognizes that children who are abused or witness violence may find it difficult to develop a sense of self-worth. They may feel helplessness, humiliation and some sense of blame. The school may be the only stable, secure and predictable element in the lives of children at risk. When at school their behavior may be challenging and defiant or they may be withdrawn. Hence the school endeavours to support the pupil through:

  • The content of the curriculum.
  • The school culture which promotes a positive, supportive and secure environment and gives the students a sense of being valued.
  • The school will ensure that all the students know which behaviour they should consider as inappropriate and unacceptable. They will be ensured that they are valued and not to be blamed for any abuse which has been inflicted on them.

Responsibilities of the Child Protection Officer:

The Child Protection Officer ensures that:

  • The school has the child protection policy and procedures in place.
  • The school operates safe recruitment procedures and ensures appropriate checks are carried out on all new staff and volunteers.
  • The teaching and other staff receive appropriate refresher training every year.
  • Temporary staff and volunteers are made aware of the school’s procedures.
  • Recommendations are made to the College Council regarding planning of training and reviewing of the Child Protection Policy.
  • The cases in which allegations are made against one of the heads are promptly reported to the College Council.
  • An annual report on the implementation of the Child Protection Policy is annually presented to the College Council. The report includes a review of the year which indicates any actions regarding:
    Policy and procedure in school.
  • Training of staff involved in implementation of this policy.
  • Number of cases causing concern (anonymously).
  • Number of meetings held and any recommended actions taken as a result.

The following flowchart describes the procedure to be adopted in case a child protection issue is discovered or suspected:-

On discovery or suspicion of child abuse or any child protection issue


Inform the Child Protection Officer in school i.e. The Discipline Incharge or the Vice Principal

If any child protection issue arises when the Child Protection Officers are both out of school they should be called immediately.

Use the Child Protection Report Form approved by College Council of Modernage and available with Child Protection Officer. Always make and keep a written record of all events and action taken, date and sign each entry to this record. Keep records confidential.

and secure and separate from the child’s personal file.

The Child Protection Officer will conduct the investigation and seek help from the College Council and Parents/Guardians of the child as required.


The policy of Modernage is to promote the safety, health and welfare of all its students, staff, visitors and members of the public on school premises. The school is comprised of general and staff offices, teaching classrooms, laboratories, libraries, workshops, purpose-built rooms and storage facilities, all of which are covered by this policy. Apart from the student body, the school is staffed by academic, administrative, secretarial and technical staff. In addition the school plays host to outside visitors and members of the public. At school, students are involved in various activities which might put them at risk of minor, and in rare cases major injuries (e.g. during sports). Hence this policy of Health and Safety is being written to ensure that all our students as well as staff members and visitors remain protected at all times.


In connection with the Health and Safety area, Modernage aims to:

  • Provide a safe, secure and healthy working environment for the students and staff members.
  • Encourage everyone to take responsibility by being aware of possible risks and be vigilant and confident in dealing with a problem situation.
  • Make the environment secure so the people may feel comfortable and safe.


The school administration, particularly the College Council of Modernage will:

  • Identify hazards, assess risks and adopt measures to eliminate or reduce risks in all school activities.
  • Provide safe access to and from the school.
  • Provide a safe working environment through the maintenance of school buildings, grounds and other infra-structure.
  • Make available the equipment which is safe to handle and fit for purpose, and ensure its maintenance.
  • Prepare an Emergency Plan of Action and ensure that it is accessible to all employees and students.
  • Ensure that arrangements are made for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of all school possessions, in particular those which may present a risk or hazard to the concerned students and staff.
  • Recruit employees who are competent for their job and ensure that they receive adequate information and training required to perform their work safely.
  • Be vigilant around the school premises for intruders.
  • Ensure there is sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all students and employees to avoid hazards and to contribute to their own safety and health at work.
  • Administer appropriate procedures according to fire regulations.
  • Have procedures in place for the safe administration of medicines and for dealing with accidents and illness.
  • Have a procedure in place for reporting, maintenance and replacement of faulty equipment.
  • Communicate with students, parents and employees on all matters pertaining to health and safety including awareness about Sexual Harassment, Use of Drugs/Alcohol, etc.

Continuous Improvement:

The arrangements to implement the Health and Safety policy are based upon the concept of Plan-Do-Check-Act/Review. It places responsibilities on all people associated with the school, including students and staff members. The process is to be followed as under:

Plan: Establish objectives, programs, and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organization’s policy.

Do: Implement the processes as planned.
Check: Monitor and measure activities and processes derived from the Health and Safety policy, and report the results.
Act/Review: Take actions to continually improve health and safety performance to achieve the intended outcomes

Arrangements: In order to meet the objectives of the Health and Safety Policy, the College has put forth the following arrangements:

Accident Reporting:

  • All accidents to staff and students are recorded on a college accident form/register. (Accident/Incident Report Form)
  • Well trained first aiders are present in all the campuses of Modernage. Further a doctor is also associated with the school who may be called in case of emergency.
  • All accidents are reported to the Security In charge with a completed form immediately following the accident.
  • Accidents include all those resulting in injury, property damage and or loss, near miss or dangerous occurrence.
  • The Security In charge co-ordinates any investigation requirements with Vice Principal (V.P) and Admin Officer for suitable action.
  • Proper first aid equipment is present with the first aider.
  • Transport facility is available in case of any emergency.
  • All accident reports are monitored by the Security In charge.
  • Monitoring reports are produced and sent to the V.P.
  • The V.P gives recommendations for further action.

Alcohol and Drugs:

Modernage is committed to providing its employees and students with a working environment that is free from the problems associated with the use and abuse of illegal substances.

  • Any employee or students or visitor using, selling, possessing, distributing, transferring, or manufacturing illegal substances in any setting and at any time will be committing a serious violation of the Code of Conduct of Modernage and will face swift and severe disciplinary action and probable dismissal.
  • Cigarette smoking by the students and employees is strictly prohibited in school premises. The use of all tobacco products, including but not limited to snuff, dip, chewing tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco, shall be prohibited on the campus of Modernage at all times.
  • Faculty members or students in violation of this prohibition shall be subject to progressive disciplinary consequences. Repeated violations may result in dismissal.

Safe Workplace:

All the school buildings and structures are maintained to a safe standard.

  • Safe access to and from the premises is provided to all the people associated with the school. The school vehicles are inspected and maintained regularly.
  • Where appropriate, competent outside specialists are employed on a scheduled contract basis to maintain services.
  • In particular, full risk assessments of the water storage tanks and the water supply are carried out by competent outside professionals. In addition to that, necessary refurbishment and cleansing are undertaken. The water storage tanks (annually) and water supply system/filters (monthly) are inspected on a scheduled basis by competent professionals and refurbishment and disinfection are carried out according to their recommendations.

Safe Equipment:

  • The school management procures work equipment that is fit for purpose.
  • Equipment is serviced regularly as well on a need basis.
  • Where necessary, competent professionals are employed to inspect and maintain equipment. Particular reference is made here to the playground equipment, heaters, kitchen equipment, geezers, electric appliances. All of these equipment are maintained by specialized outside contractors on a scheduled contracted basis as well as a need basis. It is also particular to the transportation vehicles of the school, which are to be serviced on a scheduled basis by a competent and qualified mechanic

Fire and Earthquake Safety:

  • In the event of fire and earthquake, the safety of life will override all other considerations.
  • If a fire or earthquake takes place, however small, the alarm should be raised immediately.
  • All employees, students and visitors should leave the building by the designated routes.
  • All employees must make themselves aware of the contents of the Emergency Evacuation Procedure and communicate the relevant points to students.
  • Special training and seminars for students and employees will be conducted for Emergency Evacuation.


  • Access to the school on all working days, off days as well as overnight are controlled by specially trained security personnel.
  • All visitors are required to register at the Reception.
  • Visitors are not permitted unaccompanied access to the school.
  • Procedures are in place for dealing with suspected intruders.
  • Major areas of all campuses are covered by CCTV.
  • A Security Incharge monitors the recording of CCTV.

Vaccination and Health Awareness Campaigns:

Proper vaccination of polio, measles, hepatitis B, etc is done at all the campuses as per the instructions of the KPK Health Sector.

  • Awareness campaigns on health related issues like Hand washing, dental hygiene, use of drugs, etc are conducted regularly in the school.
  • Students and employees are treated honorably and with respect at all times.
  • Students and employees are encouraged to conduct themselves in a manner, which encourages and promotes positive, wholesome relationships with others.
  • The College Council recognizes that all persons should be safe from unwelcome, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate sexual advances and activity.
  • Sexual advances, sexual remarks, or sexual conduct are considered inappropriate in our educational environment, and the College Council does not tolerate sexual harassment or sexual abuse of students or employees.

Sexual Harassment:

  • Students and employees are treated honorably and with respect at all times.
  • Students and employees are encouraged to conduct themselves in a manner, which encourages and promotes positive, wholesome relationships with others.
  • The College Council recognizes that all persons should be safe from unwelcome, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate sexual advances and activity.
  • Sexual advances, sexual remarks, or sexual conduct are considered inappropriate in our educational environment, and the College Council does not tolerate sexual harassment or sexual abuse of students or employees.

Provision of Welfare Facilities:

Health, safety and welfare of employees, students and other people associated with the school, is ensured while they are in the school premises.

  • The stakeholders meet this responsibility through the provision of fresh drinking water, adequate toilet and activity room facilities, adequate heat, light and ventilation, the provision of personal protective equipment where required and the arrangements which are in place to deal with the disposal of sanitary, medical and general waste.

Hiring and Training of Employees:

  • Employment of competent personnel is ensured and all new recruitments are ensured to be fit for the job.
  • New members of both the teaching and administrative staff are required to undergo a safeguarding interview with the V.P.
  • New staff is subject to an induction procedure which includes training on Child Protection, health and safety training and training specific to the job. The induction process is designed to assist the new member of staff to adjust easily to their new work environment, to impart information about the school and its procedures, to ensure that the new employee is aware of child protection issues and health and safety provisions and procedures, to identify training needs and to minimize staff turnover by addressing problems at an early stage.
  • Training is provided for all Teaching, Administrative and Support staff as required to ensure the safe performance of their work.


  • All staff, students and visitors are required by this policy to co-operate with the school and comply with the guidelines.
  • Safety systems and equipment must not be tampered with or abused.
  • Safety procedures must be followed and personal protective equipment must be used as directed.
  • It is the responsibility of all staff to have regard for their own safety and that of their colleagues by reporting health and safety issues to their Security In charge and V.P, and by setting a good example of health and safety protocol for the students.

Monitoring and Review:

  • The effectiveness of the Health and Safety Policy is monitored through the analysis of accident reports, sickness records, staff turnover and progress reports on actions recommended by inspectors from the Head Office of Modernage.
  • A summary of accidents and of health and safety training undertaken by employees is presented to the Head Office on a term wise basis.
  • Furthermore the Principal requires the Security In charges to submit formal reports on each of the major Health and Safety areas, once per annum, for their formal acknowledgement and review.

Modernage acknowledges, however, that effective management of Health and Safety relies equally on a proactive approach and the arrangements detailed in this policy for the inspection and planned maintenance of equipment and services and the identification of training needs are intended to ensure that the aims of the Health and Safety Policy are achieved and Modernage provides a safe place of work and study as far as it is reasonably practicable.

Aims of Discipline:

The main aims of discipline at Modernage are to enable the students to:

  • grow into self-directed, self-motivated and self-disciplined individuals.
  • take greater responsibility in observance of college rules and regulations, the academics and their health on themselves.

Modernite Discipline:

Modernites must adhere to the following guiding principles:


All Modernites are believed to be civilized and cultured. They must be:

  • respectful and co-operative towards administration, teachers and parents.
  • polite in their interaction.
  • helpful and sociable towards their fellows.
  • disciplined in the college premises.

Further, Modernites must not:

  • involve in any act of immorality and dishonesty, vandalism and misuse of internet.
  • offer gifts or other facilities to teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • ask junior students to do their personal chores and errands or use their personal items.
  • smoke or consume alcohol or any other narcotics.
  • get involved in strikes, protests, inter-group fights and bullying.
  • possess items such as radios, tape recorders, immersion rods, heaters, valuable watches, bicycles, motorcycles, cameras, obscene literature, pets, etc.
  • have firearms, rings, knuckle dusters, fireworks or any sharp instruments/weapons.
  • use mobile phones during class hours.
  • pierce their bodies or have any tattoos on their bodies.

Punctuality & Attendance:

Regular attendance is not only important for the academic advancement of the students but also it is a requirement of the Education Department and the BISE Abbottabad. A student who has less than 90% of the possible attendance, counted from the date of his/her admission to the institution, may not be allowed to take the annual examination. Names of pupils who remain absent without leave for six consecutive days will be struck off the school rolls. Readmission will depend on the discretion of the Principal.

Modernites must:

  • be punctual in performance of their academic and co-curricular activities.
  • be in college at least five minutes before the morning assembly.
  • apply in writing for leave of absence in advance. A medical certificate must accompany application for medical leave for more than three days from a qualified medical practitioner.
  • never leave the college campus or class without the permission of the teacher concerned and the Principal.
  • never miss the Morning Assembly, regular or remedial classes, tests, examinations, curricular & co-curricular activities and sports sessions or any event of the College.
  • never proceed on leave during the academic session except under very exceptional and pressing circumstances.


Modernites should be tidy and clean and take a bath daily. They should be careful in keeping their belongings and their surroundings neat.


Uniform is a symbol of association with the institution. Modernites must:

  • be properly dressed in college uniform as per season.
  • have a neat and tidy haircut and maintain a hygienic length of hair. Dyeing of hair and exaggerated hairstyles are prohibited.
  • never wear jewellery.


Academic progress is the centre of all curricular activities. Therefore, Modernites must be serious and ready for learning and efficient in doing their assignments.


Various services are provided to facilitate the learning environment. Modernites are, therefore, required to:

  • take care while using laboratories, libraries, washrooms and other college property.
  • remain disciplined at the tuck shop.


Examination and tests are indicators of the strengths and weaknesses of the students. Any student absenting himself from an examination or any portion thereof, without the permission of the Principal, is liable to be expelled from the school. Re-admission will depend on satisfactory and sufficient justification for the absence. Modernites should:

  • be sincere in taking exams and tests.
  • not believe in shortcuts and unfair means.

Instructions for students:

In connection with the Modernite discipline, it must be in the knowledge of all students that:

  • No student is allowed to settle his disputes in his own capacity. All serious disciplinary cases will be discussed in the College Council and in extreme cases may lead to expulsion from the College.
  • The College Council will take serious action against those who verbally abuse a person based on his caste, religion, mother tongue, region, culture, nationality, social and economic status, or physical, psychological or mental disability.
  • In case of any complaint, the Vice Principal may be approached.
  • In case of any academic problem, the Academic Coordinator should be consulted.
  • The student failing in following the above code is liable to be punished as per the degree of violation. It may be fine, detention or even expulsion. Any act falling in the category of crime will be referred to the law enforcing institutions of the country.

Instructions for Parents/Guardians:

It must be in the knowledge of the parents/guardians that:

  • They are not allowed to meet their children/wards during the class hours.
  • Parent-Teacher meetings are held frequently. Their presence in these meetings is in the best interest of the student and the institution.
  • They must ensure that the home assignments of their children are complete and regular.
  • In case of any academic problem, Academic Coordinator should be consulted.
  • The college will take all possible safety measures, but it will NOT be responsible for any harm that may come to a student while in the college or out on a picnic/excursion, or using college transport facility, etc. Nor is the college responsible for any loss or damage to a students' property or belongings while in the college premises. Every possible care, however, shall be taken of the same, within the college limits.
  • Any suggestions for improving the quality of education and services being provided to the students are welcome.